09/24 Flexible alerting for ELK
04/23 Pragmatic view of the modern front-end application development
01/04 5 drawbacks to liking SBT
12/04 Distributed systems cheat sheet
10/09 How to manage your dotfiles
08/01 Integration testing using docker and scala
06/26 Publishing of your artifact to maven central
05/30 Not obvious scala features for java developers
05/08 Netty Hello World
03/27 Linux command line cheat sheet
01/29 Scala testing with a human face
01/02 Scala with a human face
11/27 Dynamic bean definition for automatic FilterRegistrationBeanFactory unregistration
11/16 ClojureScript: Real world app
10/25 Clojure Hello World
10/17 Thoughts on Docker, docker-compose and life without registry
09/13 Vim essentials
08/29 Spring @Configuration vs @Component
08/16 CGLIB: signer information does not match signer information of other classes
07/26 The magic of @Transactional and its performance
07/22 WebApplicationContext in the stand-alone application
06/22 Remember me with Spring framework and Mongo DB
05/31 MongoDB backup within docker container
01/25 Craigslist ads monitoring with groovy
12/07 Code analysis
09/27 What this blog is about
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